Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Ph. D. in Law
E-mail: kukharchuk.anastasiia@lll.kpi.ua
In 2017, she graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky”, received a full higher education in the specialty “Law” and obtained the qualification of a lawyer (specialist diploma with honors).
In 2021, she defended her thesis for the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 081 Law on the topic: “Legal status of an individual as a subject of organizational and economic powers.”
Bachelor’s degree:
- Administrative Law
- Commercial law
- Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Field of scientific interests:
Commercial law, administrative law, legal regulation of organizational and economic powers, legal status of an individual as a participant in administrative and economic relations, problems of applying the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-7576-5188
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua
Scientific publications:
- Shevchenko A.M. Natural persons in corporate legal relations according to the Civil Code of Ukraine: a view of the issue. Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”: collection of scientific papers. Politology. Sociology. Right. Kyiv, 2018. No. 1 (37). P. 97-101.
- Shevchenko A. M. The concept of economic competence of a natural person. Scientific and industrial journal “State and Regions”. Series: Law. Zaporizhzhia: Classical University of Law, 2019. No. 3 (65). P. 103-108.
- Kukharchuk A. M. A natural person as a subject of organizational and economic powers: a historical and legal essay. State and law: a collection of scientific works. Legal and political sciences. Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv: Legal Opinion, 2019. Issue 86. P. 33-46.
- Kukharchuk A. M. Organizational and economic powers in the process of organization, management, regulation and control of economic activity. Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin. Series: Law. Kharkiv, 2020. Issue 30. P. 57-64.
- Kukharchuk A. M. Subdepartmentalization of disputes with the participation of natural persons as subjects of power and as subjects of organizational and economic powers: separate aspects. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Jurisprudence. Odesa, 2020. Issue 44. P. 50-53.
- Afanasyev D., Kukharchuk A. The concept of administrative responsibility: a look at the issue. Legal scientific electronic journal. No. 4/2021. S. 374-376.
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
She advanced her qualifications at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under a joint program with the International Public Organization “Universal Examination Network” on the topic “Fundamentals of Testology and Development of Test Tasks”, which is confirmed by Certificate of Advanced Qualification No. 27.2-65 dated 03/27/2019.
She completed an international internship on the topic: “International internship Fundraising and Organization of Project Activities in Educational Establishments: European Experience.” 180 hours / 6 ECTS credits. Krakow, Poland. Certificate SZFL-001122, December 12, 2021.