Position: Associate professor.
Academic degree, academic title: Ph. D. in Law, Associate professor.
1992-1996 Ukrainian Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv. Speciality: jurisprudence, lawyer by profession.
In 2001, he defended his thesis for the degree of Ph. D. in Law (12.00.09 “Criminal process and criminology; forensic examination”) on the topic: “Extraordinary methods of crime investigation as a direction for improving forensic methods.”
Bachelor’s degree:
- Criminalistics;
- Forensic examination.
Scientific activity
Field of scientific interests:
criminalistics; criminal process; forensic expertise; special equipment.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4761-5980
Google Scholar: Boris Lukyanchikov
Scientific publications:
- Lukianchykov Y. D., Lukianchykov B. Y. Normative regulation of the initiation of criminal proceedings. Herald of criminal justice. 2017. No. 1. P. 57-64.
- Lukianchykov Y. D., Lukianchykov B. Y. Development of the Institute of Investigative Actions in the Communist Party of Ukraine. Herald of criminal justice. 2017. No. 2. P. 56-64.
- Lukianchykov Y.D., Lukianchykov B.Y. Evolution of the Institute of Investigative (Tracing) Actions. Bulletin of the National Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine. 1(59) 2019. P. 87-100.
- Lukianchykov, Y. D., & Lukianchykov, B. Y. (2019). Evolution of investigative actions: theory and normative regulation. Bulletin of the Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after Y.O. Didorenko, 3(87), 136-145. https://doi.org/10.33766/2524-0323.87.136-145.
- Lukianchykov Y. D. Lukianchykov B. Y., Petryaev S. Y. Use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings. Bulletin of NTUU “KPI” Political Science. Sociology. Right. 2019. No. 4(44). P. 125-130.
- Lukianchykov Y. D., Lukianchykov B. Y., Petryaev S. Y. Covert investigative (search) actions – means of information support for crime investigation. Forensics and forensics: interdisciplinary. science and method coll. / Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. K., 2020. Issue 65. P. 183-196.
- Lukianchykov Y.D., Lukianchykov B.Y. Formation of the institute of investigation in criminal proceedings // ISSN 2524-0323. Bulletin of the LDUVS named after E. O. Didorenko. 2021. Issue 1 (93) pp. 135-145.
Textbooks and training aids:
- Establishing the state of intoxication of drivers of vehicles in Ukraine: scientific and practical help. / [Verbenskyi M.G., Kryvolapchuk V.O., Protsenko T.O., Lukianchykov B.E. and others] – K., Kh.: State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, ed. Machulin, 2017. – 208 p. (Lukianchykov B.Y p. 1-105).
- Functioning of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: legal regulation: science-inform. kind. / arranged by: M.G. Verbenskyi, V.O. Kryvolapchuk, T.O. Protsenko, B.Y. Lukianchykov and others. Kyiv: Lyudmila Publishing House, 2018. 704 p. (Luk’yanchikov B.Ye p. 1-515).
- Lukianchykov B. Y. Criminology: Study guide for students. law special higher education closing in 2 parts. / B. Y. Lukianchykov, Y. D. Lukianchykov, S. Y. Petryaev. Part I: Introduction to the course of criminology. Forensic technique. / – Kyiv: National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. 2017. – 374 p. (Lukianchykov B.Ye pp. 7-118.).
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
Certificate of professional development PC series No. 02070921/0064.35 – 21 dated 04/09/2021 under the program “Development of distance courses using the Moodie platform”.
Practical experience, expert and public activities:
He worked as an expert criminologist at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, for more than 25 years he taught criminology at the National Academy of Sciences and the Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, and also held the position of a researcher at the National Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Participant and organizer of more than 50 international and national scientific and practical conferences, seminars, “round tables” (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Greece, etc.).