Position: Professor.
Academic degree, academic title: Doctor of Law, Professor.
E-mail: vladimir@myslyvyy.com
In 1972, he graduated from the Kharkiv Law Institute (now Yaroslav the Wise National University of Law) majoring in Jurisprudence.
In 2006, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic: “Crimes against traffic safety and the operation of transport (criminal legal and criminological research)” in the specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law.
In 2001, he was awarded the academic title of professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.
Bachelor’s degree:
- Criminal Law. General part
- Criminal Law. A special part
- Practice of qualification of criminal offenses in business and official activities
Scientific activity
Field of scientific interests:
Problems of criminal law and criminology in the conditions of modern scientific and technological progress.
ORCID: org/0000-0001-8950-4237
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=ru&user=OgD_DzYAAAAJ
He has more than 200 scientific works, including articles in the Great Ukrainian Legal Encyclopedia (vol. 17 Criminal Law), 10 editions of Scientific and Practical Commentaries on the Criminal Code of Ukraine, 5 monographs, 4 textbooks, 8 training manuals. Constantly participates in international scientific and practical conferences and other scientific events on the most urgent problems of criminal law and criminology.
Scientific publications:
- Myslyvyi V. A. Vehicle as an object of crimes against traffic safety and transport operation. Law and society. 2018. No. 5. P. 188-194.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Cooperation in crime. Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Politology. Sociology. Law: Coll. of science works K.: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2018. No. 3. P. 133-137.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal law protection of energy carriers. Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Politology. Sociology. Law: Coll. of science works K.: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2018. No. 4. P. 151-154.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Crimes against road safety and extreme necessity. Scientific journal Science and law enforcement. 2019. No. 2. P. 165173.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Organized criminal activity: forms of complicity in crime. Scientific journal Science and law enforcement. 2019. No. 3. P. 126137.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal-legal significance of the state of intoxication in crimes provided for by Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. 2019. No. 3. P. 151-157.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal-legal significance of traffic legislation. Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. 2019. No. 4. P. 101-108.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal-legal significance of the rules of traffic safety and transport operation. Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. 2020. No. 3. P. 118-126.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal responsibility for driving a vehicle while intoxicated. Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Politology. Sociology. Law: Coll. of science works K.: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2020. No. 1. P. 66-72.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Usurpation of power as a crime against people’s rule. Legal Ukraine. 2020. No. 12. P. 75-80.Myslivy V. A. Usurpation of power as a crime against people’s rule. Legal Ukraine. 2020. No. 12. P. 75-80.
Educational textbooks and manuals:
- Criminology: a textbook / A. M. Babenko, O. Y. Busol, O. M. Kostenko, V. A. Myslyvyi, etc. ; in general ed. Y. V. Nikitina, S. F. Denisova, E. L. Streltsova. 2nd ed., revision. and added Kharkiv: Pravo, 2018. 418 p.
- Actual problems of criminal-legal qualification: education. manual / V.I. Antipov, N.A. Zherzh, V.A. Hunting; in general ed. VV Topchia; of science ed. V. I. Antipova. Vinnytsia: “Nilan-LTD” LLC, 2017. 896 p.
- Criminal law of Ukraine. General part. Workshop: Study guide / Y. V. Nikitin, V. A. Myslyvyi, V. K. Matviychuk and others. : in general ed. V. V. Topchiya, G. V. Didkivska, E. V. Katerenchuk. Vinnytsia: TVORY LLC, 2019. 932 p.
- Myslyvyi V. A., Babanin S. V. Criminal liability for violation of the rules in force in transport: monograph. Dnipro: Dniprop. state University of Internal Affairs of affairs, 2017. 192 p.
- Criminological principles of Ukraine’s participation in the international crime prevention system: a monograph/ Topchii V.V., Didkivska G.V., Mysliviyi V.A. etc. Vinnytsia, TVORY LLC, 2021, 376 p.
Scientific guidance (counseling) of the applicant who received a document on the award of a scientific degree:
- Scientific supervision of the candidate of legal sciences Nikitin D. Y. with the specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law. April 21, 2021 URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rnzd-lW0oulR6dvOdW2c9JfoFyr7XUku/view
- Myslyvyi V. A. Release into operation of technically defective vehicles or other violation of their operation. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. Volume 17: Criminal law / editor. : V. Y. Tatsii (head), V. I. Borisov (deputy head) and others.; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. 2017. 1062 p. (p. 80-83).
- Myslyvyi V. A. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. Volume 17: Criminal law / editor. : V. Ya. Tatsii (head), V. I. Borisov (deputy head) and others. ; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. 2017. 1062 p. (p. 291-295).
- Myslyvyi V. A. Crimes affecting traffic safety and operation of motor vehicles and local electric transport. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Law, 2016. Volume 17: Criminal law / editor. : V. Ya. Tatsii (head), V. I. Borisov (deputy head) and others. ; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. 2017. 1062 p. (pp. 382-386).
- Myslyvyi V. A. Crimes affecting the safety of traffic and operation of railway, water or air transport. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. Volume 17: Criminal law / editor. : V. Ya. Tatsii (head), V. I. Borisov (deputy head) and others. ; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. 2017. 1062 p. (p. 386-391).
- Myslyvyi V. A. Violation of traffic safety rules or transport operation by persons driving vehicles. Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2016. Volume 17: Criminal law / editor. : V. Ya. Tatsii (head), V. I. Borisov (deputy head) and others. ; National Acad. rights Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National law University named after Yaroslav the Wise. 2017. 1062 p. (p. 743-746).
- Myslyvyi V. A. Technical crimes in the criminal law of Ukraine. Legal regulation of social relations in the conditions of democratization of the Ukrainian state: Mater. VII International science and practice conf. (May 18-19, 2017, Kyiv) / Edited by O.O. Kravchuk, T.O. Chepulchenko, V.Yu. Pryamycin. K.: NVP “Interservice” LLC, 2017. P. 99-101
- Myslyvyi V. A. People-centrism as a security dimension of modern jurisprudence. Man in the dimensions of modern social transformations: Mater. XX All-Ukrainian science and practice conf. students and post-graduate students “Science Days” (April 20-21, 2017, Kyiv) / Organizers: A. A. Melnychenko, V. A. Pryshchepa, E. A. Kleyno. K.: NVP “Interservice” LLC, 2017. P. 14 16
- Myslyvyi V. A. Banking cyberspace as a place of crime. Cyber security and intellectual property: problems of legal support: mater. international science and practice conf. April 21 2017, Kyiv. In 2 h. Part 1 / Edited by : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, “Polytechnic” Publishing House. 2017. P. 116-119
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal law protection of artificial intelligence. Conceptual foundations of criminal legislation: Mater. International science and practice conf. (Odesa, 19.10.17) / resp. ed. : V. O. Tulyakov, E. L. Streltsov. Odesa: National University “Odesa Law Academy”, 2017. P. 92-101.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal law protection of cyber security in the conditions of globalization. Criminal and legal provision of sustainable development of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization: Mater. international science and practice conference, October 12-13 2017 / editor: V. Ya. Tatsii (chief editor), V. I. Borisov (deputy chief editor) and others. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2017. P. 122-126
- Myslyvyi V. A. Vehicle safety and artificial intelligence. Actual problems of intellectual, information and IT law: material. of the second all-Ukrainian science and practice conf. (Lviv, October 27-28, 2017). Lviv: Jurid. FC Lviv. national University named after I. Franka, 2017. P. 21-27
- Myslyvyi V. A. Cyber security as an object of criminal law protection. Actual problems of criminal law (in memory of Professor P. P. Mykhaylenko): theses addendum. VIII interuniversity science and theory conf. (Kyiv, November 16, 2017) ed. number : V. V. Chernei, S. D. Husarev, S. S. Chernyavskyi, and others. K.: Nat. Acad. internal of affairs, 2017, pp. 32-35
- Myslyvyi V. A. Legal and organizational issues of unmanned vehicles. Road traffic safety: legal and organizational aspects: Mater. XII International science and practice conf. (Kryvyi Rih, November 17, 2017). Kryvyi Rih, 2017. P. 168-171
- Myslyvyi V. A. Economy and management: priorities of criminal law regulation. Fiscal policy: theoretical and practical aspects of legal science: Collection of abstracts of reports of the International Scientific-Practice. conference, November 24 2017 / University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Educational and Scientific Institute of Law. Vinnytsia: “Nilan-LTD” LLC, 2017. P. 436-439
- Myslyvyi V. A. Artificial intelligence as an object of traffic offenses. Theoretical and legal foundations of the formation and development of the information society: material. science and practice conf., November 29 2017 / Edited by : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. P. 196-200
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal and legal aspects of artificial intelligence. The current state of the criminal legislation of Ukraine: ways of reform: coll. abstracts of reports of the International Scientific-Practice. online conference, March 1, 2018. State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine, Educational and Scientific Institute of Law. Vinnytsia: “Nilan-LTD” LLC, 2018. P. 82-87
- Myslyvyi V. A. Unmanned vehicles: legal aspects. Actual problems of public and private law: Mater. international science and practice conference, Zaporizhia, May 25, 2018. Zaporizhia: Classical Private University, 2018. P. 125-129
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal law protection of information security as a guarantee of constitutional human rights and freedoms. Human rights, freedoms and security in the information sphere: mater. science and practice conf. / Edit : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. May 10 2018. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. P. 20-24
- Myslyvyi V. A. Investigation of traffic accidents committed by unmanned vehicles. Safety on the road: mater. round table (Kryvyi Rih, May 24, 2018). Kryvyi Rih, 2018. P. 109-112.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Technical law. Legal regulation of social relations on the way to sustainable development: Mater. VIII International science and practice conf. (May 15-20, 2018, Kyiv) / Organizers: O. O. Kravchuk, A. A. Melnychenko, T. O. Chepulchenko, V. Yu. Priamitsyn. K.: NVP “Interservice” LLC, 2018. P. 25-27
- Myslyvyi V. A. Sphere of criminal and legal regulation of social relations. Criminal law regulation and ensuring its effectiveness: Mater. international science and practice conference, October 18-19 2018 / editor: V. Ya. Tatsii (chief editor), V. I. Borisov (deputy chief editor) and others. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2018. P. 134-138
- Myslyvyi V. A. Functions of the criminal enforcement system of Ukraine. Actual problems of protecting the rights of a person who is in conflict with the law, through the prism of legal reforms: coll. the mother VI International science and practice conf. (Kyiv, October 25, 2018). K.: Institute of Crimean Executive. services, FOP Kandyba T.P. 2018. P. 151-154
- Myslyvyi V. A. Information model of the mechanism of traffic crime. Information law: modern challenges and directions of development: mater. science and practice Conf., October 18. 2018 / Edited by : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. P. 115-118
- Myslyvyi V. A. Criminal law protection of the constitutional order and state power. Actual problems of criminal law, criminal procedural and forensic security of Ukraine: Mater. international science and practice conference, Dnipro, November 30. 2018. Dnipro: Bila K. O. 2018. P.127-128.
- Myslyvyi V. A. Public-legal protection of intellectual property: criminal-legal aspect. Creation, protection, protection and commercialization of objects of intellectual property rights: Materials of the scientific and practical conference / April 26, 2019, Kyiv / Organized by. : Furashev V. M., Petryaev S. Y., Barbash V. A. Kyiv : National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky” Edition “Polytechnic”. 2019. P. 63-67.
- Myslyvyi V. A. People-centrism as a security dimension of human rights protection in criminal law. Collection of theses of the round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: collection of theses (Kyiv, December 14, 2018). K.: DNDI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2018. P. 127-130.
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
During advanced training at the State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine, he mastered the course “Technology of Distance Course Development” (2017). At KROC University of Economics and Law, he advanced his qualifications under the program “Development of professional competencies of scientific and pedagogical workers in the conditions of intensive use of digital technologies” (2021).
Practical experience, expert and public activities:
Practical experience is 12 years of investigative activity in internal affairs bodies. Provides expert opinions at the request of pretrial investigation bodies and courts.
He is a member of the public organization “All-Ukrainian Criminal Law Association”.
Awards and achievements:
He was awarded the Order of Merit III degree, Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, medals “For impeccable service” I, II and III degrees, the medal “Veteran of Labor” and badges “Distinguished Police”, “Distinguished Education of Ukraine”, awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “Law and honor”, “For the safety of the people” 1st and 2nd degrees, “For international cooperation in law enforcement activities”, “For the development of science, technology and education” 1st and 2nd degrees, “For exemplary pre-trial investigation” 1st and 2nd degrees , the badge of honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the badge “For distinction in the service” of the 1st and 2nd degrees, the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine recognized as a laureate of the III All-Ukrainian competition “Lawyer of 2002”.