Position: Senior Lecturer.
Academic degree: Ph. D. in Law.
Е-mail: natalia@perestyuk.com
1999: graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, majoring in “law” and received the qualification “master of law” and a recommendation for admission to graduate school
2000: Worked on dissertation research at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law under a Van Calker scholarship, presenting the results to the board of the institute
2002: completed postgraduate studies at the Department of International Private and Customs Law of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
2006: received the “Master of Business Administration” qualification from the Canadian University of New Brunswick and the International Institute of Business in Kyiv
2020: based on the results of the defense of the dissertation, the scientific degree of Ph. D. in Law was awarded, 12.00.03 – civil law and civil process, family law, international private law, the topic of the dissertation: “Legal qualification in international private law on the example of the Anglo-Saxon trust”
Bachelor’s degree:
- Basics of legal activity and professional ethics
- Basics of entrepreneurial law
Master’s degree:
- International commercial arbitration (selective)
- Actual problems of private international law (selective)
Scientific activity
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3039-283X
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com
Наукові публікації:
- Perestiuk N.M. The Anglo-Saxon Trust through the Foundations of the Law of Equity: A Historical Review. Legal scientific electronic journal. 2018. No. 2. pp. 237-242. http://lsej.org.ua/2_2018/64.pdf
- Perestiuk N.M. The Hague Convention on the Recognition of Trusts for the Resolution of Conflicts of Laws. Legal scientific electronic journal. 2018. No. 4. P.173-177. http://www.lsej.org.ua/4_2018/47.pdf
- Perestiuk N.M. “Protected” trust fund and “own life” of trusts in countries not only under common law. Comparative and analytical law. 2018. No. 2. P.112-117. http://ir.nusta.edu.ua/bitstream/doc/4076/3/2898_IR.pdf
- Perestiuk N.M. Trusts under European law and international litigation. Bulletin of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: legal sciences. 2018. No. 889. P. 182-191. http://vlp.com.ua/node/18962
- Perestiuk N.M. The Hague Convention on the Recognition of Trusts: a comparative analysis of the experience of continental countries. Law and Society. 2018. No. 4/2. P. 77-86. http://pravoisuspilstvo.org.ua/archive/2018/4_2018/part_2/16.pdf
- Perestiuk N.M. The nature of a beneficial interest in a trust and its bearer in countries other than common law. Comparative and analytical law. 2018. No. 3. pp. 328-332. https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/api/file/viewByFileId/711851.pdf
- Perestiuk N.M. Legal qualification in private international law: improvement of theoretical and practical approaches in Ukraine. Law of Ukraine. 2020. Issue 6. P.54-81 https://pravoua.com.ua/ua/store/pravoukr/pravo_2020_6/ pravo_2020_6_s3/
- Issues of legal qualification in international private law: doctrine, judicial practice and Ukrainian law/ N. Perestiuk// Ukrainian Journal of International Law – Kyiv, 2020. – Issue. 3/2020 – P.129-139 URL: https://jusintergentes.com.ua/images/2020/3/Perestiyk.pdf