Посада: Lecturer.
E-mail: samchynska.kpi@gmail.com
2014-2019 National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of Sociology and Law, specialty – law, specialization – information law and intellectual property law.
Bachelor’s degree:
- Legal foundations of information security
- Law in the field of advertising and PR
Scientific activity
Field of scientific interests:
information security, legal protection of a person from information influence in modern conditions, legal regulation of advertising activity and PR.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7901-5680
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua
Scientific publications:
- Samchynska O.A. Mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution // Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Conditions of Democratization of the Ukrainian State” (Kyiv, May 18-19, 2017) / Composers: O.O. Kravchuk, T.O. Chepulchenko, V.Yu. Pryamitsyn. – K.: NVP “Interservice” LLC, 2017. – 296 p., p. 254-256.
- Samchynska O. A. Problems of using the terms “information security” and “cyber security” // Cyber security and intellectual property: problems of legal enforcement: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. April 21, 2017, Kyiv, in 2 parts. Part two. / Edit : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. – Kyiv: National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky” Edition “Polytechnic”. 2017. – 124 p., p. 6-10.
- Samchynska O.A. Social networks as a tool of political manipulation // Information law: modern challenges and directions of development: Materials of the first scientific and practical conference. October 18, 2018, Kyiv. / Edit : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. – Kyiv: National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky” Edition “Polytechnic”. 2018. – 196 p., p. 67-68.
- Samchynska O.A. Protection of personal data as a tool to prevent manipulation of public consciousness // Internet of things: problems of legal regulation and implementation: Materials of the second science-practice. conference, November 29 2018, Kyiv / Edited by: V.M. Furashev, S.O. dear ones – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. – 168 p., p. 100-102.
- Samchynska O.A. Boring messages or a means of mind manipulation? //Creation, protection, protection and commercialization of objects of intellectual property rights: Materials of the scientific and practical conference / April 26, 2019, Kyiv / Organized by. : Furashev V. M., Petryaev S. Yu., Barbash V. A. – Kyiv : National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Polytechnic. 2019.– 193 p., p. 188-190.
- Samchynska O.A. Mass media as an apparatus of informational and psychological influence on the consciousness of citizens // Information security: current state, problems and prospects: Materials of the 1st scientific and practical conference. September 20, 2019, Kyiv. / Edit : V. M. Furashev, S. Yu. Petryaev. – Kyiv: National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky” Edition “Polytechnic”. 2019. – 124 p., p. 89-93.
- Samchynska O.A. Unfair advertising as a type of informational influence// Black Sea public and legal readings: Materials of the international scientific conference, Mykolaiv, September 10–12, 2021 – Mykolaiv: Helvetyka Publishing House, 2021. – Part 1. – 212 p. , with. 146-150.
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
She took advanced training courses at the Educational and Methodological Complex “Institute of Postgraduate Education” under the program “Development of distance courses using the Modle platform” (03.05.2021-04.09.2021).