Yuliia Serebriakova

Position: Associate professor.
Academic degree, academic title: Ph. D. in Law, Associate professor.

1) Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2002, specialty: jurisprudence, qualification: lawyer, MV No. 12005784

2) Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008, candidate of legal sciences, 12.00.04: economic law, economic procedural law, dissertation topic: “Lease contract of state and communal real estate”, DK No. 049994; dated December 3, 2008.

3) Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports, decision of the attestation board, associate professor of the Department of Economic Law, 12 DC No. 030357, 2012.

Bachelor’s degree:

  1. Commercial procedural law
  2. Business law


  1. Modern trends in business law and process
  2. Investment law (selective)
  3. Representation and mediation in the administrative and economic process (selective)

Scientific activity

Field of scientific interests:

economic law, economic procedural law.

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2112-7188
Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com.ua

Scientific publications:
  1. Serebriakova Y.O. Implementation of the conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in administrative, economic and civil proceedings: problematic aspects. Law journal of Donetsk University. 2016. No. 1/2. P. 11-19. (recommended for publication by the Academic Council of DonNU named after Vasyl Stus on March 31, 2017).
  2. Serebriakova Y.O. Powers of the court in accordance with the draft Economic Procedure Code of Ukraine. Law of Ukraine. 2017. No. 9. P. 94-100.
  3. Serebriakova Y.O. Protection of property rights in commercial proceedings. Law journal of Donetsk University. 2019. No. 2 (38). P. 104-113.
  4. Serebriakova Y.O. Regarding the grounds for representation of state interests by the prosecutor in economic proceedings. Legal horizons. 2020. No. 23. P. 95-101.
  5. Serebriakova Y.O. Insolvency is a material and legal basis for opening proceedings in the case of bankruptcy of economic organizations. Legal horizons. 2021. No. 26 (39). P. 47-51.
  6. Dzhumageldiyeva, G. ., Serebriakova, Y. ., Derevyanko, B. ., Zubatenko, O. ., & Selikhov, D. . (2021). The Principle of Equal Rights in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Factor Influencing the Sustainable Development of Ukraine. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(3), 167. https://doi.org/10.14207/ejsd.2021.v10n3p167
  7. Serebriakova Y.O., Novoshitska V.I. Regarding the legal nature of the value of unaccounted electric energy. Economy and law. 2021. No. 3 (62). S. X-XX.

Textbooks and teaching methods:

  1. Realization of the right to entrepreneurial activity: status and prospects: collective monograph / According to general ed. A.H. Bobkova, A.M. Zakharchenko. – Kyiv: DV “Dakor”, 2021. – 250 p. (Serebryakova Yu.O. Section 2, subsection 2.4. Legal regime of property of an individual entrepreneur, p. 161-195).
  2. Teaching and methodical materials for preparing and passing the state exam for students of the “Master’s” full-time and part-time study of the specialty 081 “Jurisprudence” / Incl. Novoshitska V.I., Serebryakova Yu.O., Tytova O.V. DonNU named after Vasyl Stus, 2017. 16 p.
  3. Problems of economic procedural law: educational and methodological materials for studying the course for full-time and part-time students of the Master’s College of Education, specialty 081 “Jurisprudence” / Incl. A.G. Bobkova, Y.O. Serebriakova 2017. 28 p.
  4. Educational and methodological materials: Tasks for students with an individual study schedule in the discipline “Economic procedural law” specialty 081 “Law” SO “Bachelor” / Incl. Serebriakova Y.O., Novoshitska V.I., Lehkodukh I.O. 2019. 17 p. Educational and methodological materials: Tasks for correspondence students in the discipline “Economic procedural law” specialty 081 “Law” SO “Bachelor” / Incl. Serebriakova Y.O., Novoshitska V.I., Lehkodukh I.O. 2019. 21 p.
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
  1. Institute for advanced training of managerial personnel, “Psychological foundations of effective management”, Kyiv, April 22-23, 2015.
  2. Advanced training (internship) “Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union: law, economy, society” within the project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR “Development of a master’s program in European and international law in Eastern Europe – InterEULawEast”, Vinnytsia, December 5, 2016 – December 9, 2016.
  3. Online course “Effective presentations”, developed by the NGO “HIGH” (certificate dated 12/20/2020).
  4. Online course “Strengthening teaching and organizational management in universities” through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus (certificate dated January 16, 2021).
  5. Online course “Take and do. Blended and distance learning”, through the EdEra online education studio platform (certificate dated 26.02.2021, 20 hours/ 0.7 ECTS credit).
  6. Online course “#blend_IT: Mastering blended learning” for teachers, managers and administrative staff of higher education institutions, through the EdEra online education platform (certificate 03/23/2021, 90 hours/ 3 ECTS credits).
  7. Online course “Academic Integrity”, through the EdEra online education platform (certificate 03/23/2021, 4 hours/ 0.1 ECTS credit).
  8. Cycle of training seminars on scientometrics “Main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science”, which was conducted by the company “Scientific publications – Publ.Science” (certificate dated 04.02.2021, 10 hours/0.3 ECTS credit).
  9. Participation in the II International School of World Educational Practices “New Way”, which is dedicated to mediation and the art of negotiation (March 16, 2021 – April 9, 2021, certificate dated April 9, 2021, 15 hours/0.5 ECTS credit) .
  10. Course under the program “Development of educational courses using technologies and means of distance learning” from the Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus. (3 from 05.10.2020 to 28.05.2021, 180 hours – 6 ECTS credits, PC certificate 290/05-21/20-21 from 01.06.2021).
Practical experience, expert and public activities:

She has about 64 individual and collective scientific publications, including monographs: “Lease contract of state and communal real estate”, “Communal property law: modern view and development prospects”, “Economic and legal aspects of ensuring the development of the economy of Ukraine”, “Administrative judiciary of Ukraine: theory and practice”; textbooks and manuals: “Transport Law of Ukraine”, “Problems of Economic Procedural Law”.

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM