Position: Senior Lecturer.
Е-mail: ivsolonchuk@gmail.com
1992 – 1997: Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, diploma with honors, specialty “Legal Studies”
Bachelor’s degree
- Informational security;
- Information and information and communication technologies in legal activity.
Scientific activity
Field of scientific interests:
Information legal relations, information security, theoretical and methodological foundations of information law, judicial proceedings, status of judges, reforming of judicial proceedings in the conditions of the information society.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6447-246X
Google Scholar: jVZYne0AAAAJ
Scientific publications:
- Solonchuk I. V., Gozhii I. O. Problematic issues of the legal regime of inheritance in cases with a foreign element. Legal novels. 2018. No. 4. P. 84 – 91.
- I. V. Solonchuk, Informational legal relations in the context of civil proceedings. Information and law. 2018. No. 1(24). P.164 – 173.
- I. V. Solonchuk, Information legal relations: concepts and protection. Information and law. No. 4 (31)/2019. P. 28 – 36. 5.
- Solonchuk I. V., Furashev V. M. Information legal relations in the judiciary of Ukraine in modern times. Information and law. No. 3 (30)/2019. P. 55 – 64.
- Solonchuk I.V., Furashev V.M. Information law: informational justice. Law and public administration. No. 3 (36). Volume 1. 2019. P. 241-251.
- Solonchuk I. V., Gozhii I. O. Problematic aspects of the application of the personal law of a natural person. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: “Jurisprudence”. 2019. No. 37. P. 159 – 162.
- I. V. Solonchuk, Informational justice as a regularity of the information society. Information and law. 2020. No. 3(34). P.46 – 54. URL: http://ippi.org.ua/solonchuk-iv-informatsiine-sudochinstvo-yak-zakonomirnist-informatsiinogo-suspilstva-s-46-54.
- Solonchuk I.V., Polyakova I.V. Institute of absentee trial of a civil case: significance and shortcomings. Actual problems of domestic jurisprudence”. 2021. Issue 1. P. 56-60. URL: http://apnl.dnu.in.ua/1_2021/14.pdf.
- Solonchuk I.V., Balinska V.O., Gerashchenko Ya.V. Electronic evidence in civil proceedings: advantages and disadvantages of legislative innovations. Juris Europensis Scientia. Issue 2/2021. Helvetica Publishing House. 2021. P. 48-52. URL: http://chernvisn.onua.edu.ua/index.php/chern/issue/view/9/9.:
Textbooks and training aids:
- Civil procedural law [Electronic resource]: a complex of educational and methodological support of the educational discipline for students of the training direction 6.030401 “Jurisprudence” specialization: “Economic and administrative law and process”, “Information law and intellectual property law” / KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi; structure. I. V. Solonchuk. – Electronic text data (1 file: 353.49 KB). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2018. – 124 p. The fretboard was provided by the Methodical Council of the FSP of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi (protocol No. 1 dated February 26, 2018)
- Civil procedural law [Electronic resource]: a complex of educational and methodological support of the educational discipline for students of the training direction 6.030401 “Jurisprudence”, specialization: “Economic and administrative law and process”, “Information law and intellectual property law”, correspondence form of study / KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi; structure. I. V. Solonchuk. – Electronic text data (1 file: 170.25 Kbytes). – Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2018. – 76 p. The fretboard was provided by the Methodical Council of the FSP of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi (protocol No. 1 dated February 26, 2018).
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
- Educational and methodological complex “Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU “KPI” 11/16/17-12/28/17 Topic: “Simple means of creating and maintaining a teacher’s WEB page” Certificate: PC No. 02070921/002929 – 17. dated 12.29.2017.
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine March 26-27, 2019. Topic: “Fundamentals of testology and development of test tasks”. Certificate No. 27. 2-68 dated 27.03.2019
- Participation in the webinar “Teaching work; space for the presentation of diversity” on 07/20/2020, organized by the NGO “Human Rights Vector” (certificate).
- Third-year graduate student.
Practical experience, expert and public activities:
Since 1997, she has been a member of the professional union (trade union) of the Igor Sikorskyi KPI.