Position: Associate professor.
Academic degree, academic title: Ph. D. in Law, Associate professor.
E-mail: taranenkonnn@gmail.com
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of NTUU “KPI” in 2009
Bachelor’s degree:
- International public law;
- International humanitarian law.
Scientific activity
Field of scientific interests:
Unrecognized States, The Law of Armed Conflicts.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1594-5598
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua
Scientific publications:
- Sergiy A. Kvitka, Valentyna S. Yehorova, Tetiana O. Chepulchenko, Mykola M. Taranenko, Ivan S. Bakhov, Elena L. Feshchenko Development of Ukrainian and Global Online Education / TEM JOURNAL – Technology, Education, Management, Informatics. – Vol.9, No.4, November 2020 P. 1640-1646.
- Taranenko M.G., Taranenko M.M. Legal relations, judicial system, crimes and punishments in Zaporizhzhya Sich // Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Politology. Sociology. Right: Coll. of science Working No. ¾ (35/36). – 2017. – Kyiv; Odesa: pp. 117-122.
- Taranenko M.M., Laushkin I.O. Actual problems of refugees and internally displaced persons in the EU and Ukraine // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. “Law” series. 2019, No. 55. – P. 147-150.
- Taranenko M.M., Bedrata A.V. Some features of the powers of the head of state: a comparative legal aspect // Scientific Journal Law and Society. 2019, No. 3. – P. 80-84.
- Taranenko M.M., Yarosh I.S., Balinska V.O. Legal regulation of the status of temporarily occupied territories and the influence of the activities of civil society institutions in the conditions of reintegration // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. “Law” series. 2019, No. 59. – P. 79-82.
- Taranenko M.G., Taranenko M.M. On the question of the reasons for the defeat of the national-state revival of Ukraine 1917-1921 / Journal of Eastern European Law. No. 89, 2021. P.52-65.
- Taranenko M.G., Taranenko M.M. The Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk of 1710. As the primary source of the development of constitutionalism in Ukraine / Prykarpatsky Juridical Herald” No. 2/2021. P. 23-30.
- Taranenko M.M. Legal status of whistleblowers of corruption offenses: international legal regulation and implementation in the legislation of Ukraine / Journal of East European Law. No. 92, 2021. P.39-46.
Textbooks and training manuals:
- International public law: methodological guidelines for studying the discipline for students of specialty 081 “Law” Contributor: M.M. Taranenko. – K.: NTUU “KPI named after I. Sikorsky”, 2017. – 45 p.
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:
Internship in 2017 at the Prague Institute of Professional Development.