Conference topics:
• Cybersecurity in the economy
• Digitalization of the economy in terms of criminal law protection
• Digitalization in economy and labor relations
• Digitalization and entrepreneurship: legal aspects
• Judiciary and digitalization of the economy
• EU requirements and standards for the Digital Single Market
• Artificial intelligence and development of legal support for the economy

Requirements for participation:
• Until May 10, 2024, you must fill out an application form and send the main themes in the electronic form (file name tezy_last name) by e-mail to:
• Authors wishing to publish their papers in the electronic collection of conference abstracts
should upload their materials through the OJS system on the conference website.
– the file name with the electronic version of the main themes must match the last name of
the first author
– publication of the main themes by students is possible only when they are co-authored
by an academic supervisor.
Participation in the conference involves:
• publication of papers. Accepted papers will be published in the electronic collection of
conference abstracts on the OJS platform in the domain zone as part of the «Scientific
Periodicals» project.
• presentations at plenary and parallel meetings
Format of participation: remote via the Zoom platform.
Conference participation is free of charge.
Working conference languages: Ukrainian, English.

Podolyak Svetlana +380503802575 (telegram, viber, whatsapp),
For participants from Poland also:
Robert Kędziora, PhD ( – Warsaw University of Technology
Mateusz Lewandowski, PhD ( – Warsaw University of Technology

Head of the Program Committee:
Akimova O.A., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the
Faculty of Sociology and Law of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee:
Bevs S.I., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information,
Economic and Administrative law of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Members of the Program Committee:
Pavliuchenko Y.M., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, acting head of the Department of
Business and Administrative Law of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Podolyak S.A., Candidate of Legal Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the
Department of Information, Economic and Administrative Law of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute
Sydorenko V.V., Candidate of Legal Science, Associate Professor of the Department of
Information, Economic and Administrative Law of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Furashev V.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, First Deputy Director for Scientific Work of State Scientific Institution «Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine»
Foreign members of the Program Committee:
Professor Jerzy Woźnicki – Warsaw University of Technology (Leader of the project «Polish-Ukrainian cooperation of institutions representing rectors to improve university operations“, Poland)
Anna Zalcewicz, PhD, University Professor – Warsaw University of Technology (Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences), Poland
Piotr Zapadka, PhD, University Professor – Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
Marcin Rojszczak, PhD, Assistant Professor – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Evhen Tsybulenko, PhD, Senior Lecturer, TalTech Law School, Tallinn, Estonia