Iryna Spivak

Position: Senior Lecturer.


Higher Law School (T.G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University, faculty: Law, specialty: Jurisprudence).


Bachelor’s degree:

  • Customs law

Scientific activity

Field of scientific interests:

legal regulation of customs control; legal regulation of maritime transport safety; legal regulation of medical insurance; legal regulation of environmental safety.

Google Scholar:

Scientific publications:

  1. Spivak I. V. Legal entity as a specific subject of administrative responsibility for violation of customs rules. Law and public administration, No. 1 (2019). P.65-73.
  2. Spivak I. V. Language legislation and language policy in Ukraine, as they are. Law and public administration, No. 2 (2019.) P. 12-19.
  3. I. V. Spivak Implementation of standards of customs ethics and integrity as one of the main directions of development of anti-corruption policy of the state in the customs sphere. Bulletin of NTUU “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”: Political Science. Sociology. Law”, No. 3 (2019). P.267-273.
  4. Spivak I. V. Implementation of the agricultural land market: legal regulation and risks. Scientific bulletin of public and private law. No. 4 (2019). P. 244-250.
  5. Spivak I. V. Separatism as one of the factors of the destruction of the state and international legal means of countering it. Scientific Bulletin of Public and Private Law, No. 5/2020. P.156-162.
  6. Spivak I. V. Normative and legal framework in the field of waste management: orientation towards European standards. Legal scientific electronic journal, No. 9/2020. P.168-172.
  7. International legal mechanisms in the field of combating manifestations of sea piracy as a guarantee of ensuring the safety of sea transportation. Scientific bulletin of public and private law. No. 5 (2021). P.156-162.
  8. Petroe O.M., Klymenko E.V., Pluzhnyk E.I., Spivak I.V., Teteryatnik A.K. Medical insurance as a way of social protection of citizens in Ukraine. Georgian Medical News. 2020. No. 3 (300). P. 163-168. SCOPUS. URL:
  9. Krupnova L.V., Antonova E.R., Kokhan V.P., Spivak I.V., Krikun V.B. Public control as a means of ensuring the realization of the right to health care” Georgian Medical News. 2021. No. 5 p. 184-189. SCOPUS. URL:

Textbooks and training aids:

  1. Spivak I.V. Customs law: Educational and methodological complex (teaching manual) for the study of the academic discipline for bachelor’s degree holders of all areas of full-time and part-time education. Educational electronic publication approved by the Igor Sikorskyi KPI Methodological Council Protocol No. 3 dated November 22, 2018 (submitted by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Sociology and Law. Protocol No. 2 dated September 24, 2018) – Kyiv: Igor Sikorskyi KPI, 2018 106 p. URL:
Internships, advanced training courses and certificates:

Advanced training at NMC “Institute of Postgraduate Education” under the program “Simple means of creating and maintaining a teacher’s Web page” – 108 academics. hours 3.6 ECTS credits (Certificate PC series No. 02070921/005986 – 20 dated 06/22/20):

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM