Elvira Titko

Position: Professor.
Academic degree: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor.
E-mail: tev.law.ua@gmail.com


In 2009, he graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University with honors, majoring in International Law.

In 2009, he graduated from the Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs, majoring in “Jurisprudence”.

In 2013, the thesis for the degree of Ph. D. in Law was defended on the topic: “Legitimate restriction of freedom of expression: experience of the European Court of Human Rights” (12.00.11 – international law).

In 2019, the thesis for the Doctor of Law degree was defended on the topic “International legal aspects of civil-military cooperation (SIMIS)” (12.00.11 – international law).

In 2020, the certificate of Associate professor of the Department of international law and comparative jurisprudence was obtained.


Bachelor’s degree:

  • International public law;
  • International economic law;
  • Practice of the European Court of Human Rights.

Master’s degree:

  • The legal system of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization.

Scientific activity

Field of scientific interests:

international law, international relations, the international legal mechanism for the protection of human rights, the law of the Council of Europe, the practice of the ECtHR, freedom of expression and its legitimate limitation, comparative civil law, civil-military cooperation, academic integrity, inclusive education.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7485-2623
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?pli=1&authuser=1&user=nZ68TMIAAAAJ

Scientific publications:

  1. Titko E.V. The doctrinal approach of defining civil-military relations in the context of CIMIC with the aim of protecting the civilian population on the example of the work of Samuel Phillips Huntington / Human rights: theory and practice, January 23–28, 2017, edited by M. Dey. London: IASHE, 2017. P. 21–25.
  2. Titko E.V. The role and significance of the ISAF mission in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, taking into account the presence of SIMIS forces. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: “Jurisprudence”. Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2017. No. 25. P. 118–122.
  3. Titko E.V. Legal regulation and practical aspects of “SIMIS” activity regarding search operations for missing persons and those killed in armed conflict: humanitarian project “Evacuation 200”. Almanac of international law. Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2017. No. 15. P. 64–72.
  4. Titko E.V. Civil-military administrations as the main form of local self-government in the conflict zone. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series: legal sciences. Kherson: Helvetica Publishing House, 2017. Issue 1, Volume 2. P. 180–184.
  5. Titko E.V. Understanding and interpreting the concepts of “emergency situation” and “state of emergency” in the context of civil protection. Scientific journal “Law and Society”. Dnipro: Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University, 2017. No. 2. P. 122–129.
  6. Titko E.V. Peculiarities of legal regulation of SIMIS activities in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Electronic scientific specialist publication “Legal Scientific Electronic Journal”. Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhia National University, 2017. No. 2. P. 158–161. URL: http://lsej.org.ua/2_2017/44.pdf.
  7. Titko E.V. “Human security” as the basis of the functioning of the civil protection system. Electronic scientific publication “Comparative and Analytical Law”. Uzhgorod: Uzhgorod National University, 2017. No. 1. P. 282–285. URL: http://www.pap.in.ua/1_2017/86.pdf.
  8. Titko E.V., Balagur V.V. “Understanding Information Matters for Military Forces: Personal Right and Professional Necessity.” Electronic scientific publication “Journal of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Ostroh: Ostroh Academy National University, 2018. Series “Law” No. 2 (18). URL: https://lj.oa.edu.ua/articles/2018/n2/18tevtpn.pdf.
  9. Titko, E. V., Kurtynets, M. I. (2020). Polish law on private international law: history of codification and modern regulation. Forum of Law, 61(2). 65–81. URL:  https://forumprava.pp.ua/files/065-081-2020-2-FP-Titko,Kurtynets_8.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2-WE0RPwlErNWMSrG73oZFTZLqkAn_QWrXThw6L1IU6Ed8XRLUEZfVJis
  10. Titko E.V. Bozhuk I.I. The right to change the patronymic: the practice of the ECtHR and the experience of Ukraine. Electronic scientific publication “Comparative and Analytical Law”. 2020. No. 1. P. 674-678. URL: http://www.pap.in.ua/1_2020/170.pdf
  11. Titko E. V. Peculiarities of interpretation and principles of interpretation of the ECHR on the example of the provisions of Article 10. Journal of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. “Law” series. 2021. No. 1(23). URL: http://lj.oa.edu.ua/articles/2021/n1/21tevpps.pdf.
  12. Titko E.V., Deineko O.V. Euthanasia/suicide tourism as a phenomenon of human rights protection in today’s conditions. Scientific notes of TNU
  13. named after V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: legal sciences. Volume 31 (70) Part 3 No. 2 2020. P. 227 – 231
  14. Titko, E, Myroslav KURTYNETS “Human security” as a new concept of international security of the 20th century Juridical Tribune. Bucharest. 2019. Volume 9, Issue 3, P. 559-573
  15. Titko E., Dei M., Smalii O., Yuldashev, S. Impact of Palliative Care/Medicine on Realization of “Right to Life” and “Right to Dignity” in the Context of Human Rights Protection. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2020, 9(1), P. 49-68.
  16. Elvira Titko, Ilona Kurovska. The Essence of the CIMIC Force Understanding and the Necessity of Training the Future CIMIC Specialists, as a Specific Category of Public Service. Administrative Law and Public Administration in the Global Social System, 2021. P. 168-187. URL: http://www.adjuris.ro/reviste/alpa/ALPA%202020.pdf.
  17. Titko, E and Hrushko, Z. Organizational and legal forms of intermunicipal cooperation to ensure human rights in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic: Ukraine and European experience / 11th International Conference on Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium 2022, P.28 -42.URL: http://www.adjuris.ro/reviste/babl/Building%20an%20Adapted%20Business%20Law.pdf.

Textbooks and training aids:

  1. Quality of higher education: theory and practice: educational and methodological manual. University of Education Management. Kyiv. Nizhin: Publisher PP Lysenko M. M., 2019. 176 p.


  1. Titko E.V. Legitimate restriction of freedom of expression: experience of the European Court of Human Rights. Vinnytsia: Nilan-LTD LLC, 2016. 168 p.
  2. Titko E.V. International legal aspects of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC). Vinnytsia: “Nilan-LTD” LLC, 2021. 544 p.
Practical experience, expert and public activities:

In 2022, the course “Right to life in the context of armed conflict” was completed within the framework of the Center for Strategic Litigation.

In 2021, a training course was completed under the certified program of human rights trainers for civil servants (UNDP, Ministry foreign affairs of Denmark, National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, Ukrainian school of governance).

In 2019, the number of scientific and pedagogical workers of universities, academies, and institutes based on the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine was increased.

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM